It has been a long time coming since I introduced my beautiful team! Other than my lovely store ladies who work hard daily to keep up with the processing and shipping of orders, this team of admins work remotely and mostly online. They help make my job and your online experience so much smoother and truly deserve the credit for the things they do behind the scenes!
Here is a little bit of them so you can put a face to those names!
"I'm Lisa Brown, Facebook admin for Prairie Love Knits. Originally I'm from Edmonton, AB. Currently I'm residing in Winnipeg, MB.
I'm a retired petrophysicist chasing the dream of sewing as a career. I do a lot of zipper replacements and alterations right now. I love interacting with customers, making them love garments and especially seeing their faces when they see my fabric stash.
I started sewing around the age of 7 or 8. We were poor, you sewed to fix things or because you couldn't afford new. Now it doesn't feel like anything I sew up for myself, husband or kids is in any way less expensive than buying new from a site, but.... At least I really enjoy sewing and the garments last so much longer as well as actually fitting our bodies.
Aside from sewing I love cycling, wine making and drinking, and reading.
I try to keep up with answering customer issues, concerns and problems as well as making it as easy as possible to find strike off photos on our Facebook page. Oh! I also get to draw our winners from our contests, that's got to be my favourite role."
"Hi! My name is Lisa Ha and I'm an avid sewist! I love collecting fabric and patterns and coming up with fun combinations to share with everyone. I started as a Guest Sewist for PLK in May of 2017 for Round 4 and the past 5 years have been such an amazing journey of learning and growing in this hobby. I joined the incredibly talented strike-off team as a regular sewist in 2019 and also became a moderator for the Facebook group around the same time. I love helping answer questions about fabric bases, notions, patterns and machines. I have quite the collection of all of the above so ask away! I also host the occasional sew-along and welcome any ideas for future events. I grew up in Vernon, BC but moved to Alberta for university and currently work as a Medical Laboratory Technologist. My husband and I live in Edmonton and we have 3 children whom you've probably seen photos of quite a bit since I love sewing for them and taking their pictures, haha!
My hobbies include sewing pattern testing, photography, baking and anything DIY. I learned a lot about sewing as a young girl. My grandmother made quilts and my sisters and I would sit under the quilt stretcher dodging the needle as she hand quilted the blankets. I taught myself how to sew with knit fabrics when my daughter was a baby and I wanted to make her some cute custom clothes. My passion for sewing is fuelled by the amazing fabric designs now available to us in Canada as well as being able to sew garments that fit my body perfectly. I hope I've inspired you to pick up some fabric and make yourself something fabulous!"
"Hi, I’m Sarah Burrill. I officially started working for Prairie Love Knits May 2022, but you’ve probably seen me around as part of the sewist team since early 2019. My role at Prairie love knits is a bit more behind the scenes as a virtual assistant, but you will see me popping online here and there in the facebook group answering questions and bringing in some fun activities. If you ever have questions about knit fabrics and athletic sews, I'm your gal! (I have sewn woven too, but knits are love)
I currently live out in the Shuswap in beautiful British Columbia with my husband, son, and pup Shyloh. However, until two years ago we resided in Edmonton, AB (let me tell you, I sure miss those quick drives over to the PLK store). I have done a fair amount of travelling around in my adult years, including many trips into the backcountry (one of my favourite trips was a 18 day backpacking trip through Death Valley National Park).
I started sewing as a kid with a friend (my first project was pyjama pants for me that ended up 4 sizes too big ha ha), but I really got into sewing for my family back when my son was born in 2017. Shortly after that I started sewing for myself and my husband (I’m sure you’ve seen photos of all of us around here as I try to share the fabric love with us all) and it's been non-stop since then (most of my wardrobe is now me-made!)
Apart from sewing you can find me doing Photography (my favourite is taking photos of kids and their families) and outdoor adventures. I have a degree in Ministry and Outdoor leadership and so any chance I get I'm out exploring the mountains and looking for adventures.
Hi! I’m Christen.
I’m one of the “Lucky Locals” who live just a short drive away from PLK in Edmonton, AB. Although I can’t imagine calling any other place home at this point, I spent nearly all of my childhood in Kentucky (where my parents and brothers still reside).
As a teen, I learned sewing basics in Family and Consumer science course. When I had kids, I wanted to create all those cute clothes I was seeing at the craft fairs, so that’s when my hobby (and my love for PLK) took off! I probably most enjoy sewing woven dresses for my daughter, but I sew for my son and myself too (and hopefully for hubby one day as well!)
Outside of sewing, I teach English as a Second Language for newcomers to Canada. I occasionally enjoy baking, knitting, and reading and I live for summers and great beach vacations!
As an admin, I update the Facebook banners, help post strike sews to the website, answer questions in our community and hope to encourage you in your sewing journey! I’m always glad to help, so feel free to reach out! :)